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- Engine:
- Make: Cummins.
- Model: QSB4.5T.
- Gross Power: 110 hp (82 kw).
- Power Measured @ 2500 rpm.
- Max Torque: 305.4 lb ft (414 Nm).
- Torque Measured @ 1500 rpm.
- Displacement: 274.6 cu in (4.5 L).
- Number of Cylinders: 4.
- Aspiration: Turbocharged.
- Operational:
- Operating Weight: 27324.1 lb (12394 kg).
- Fuel Capacity: 35 gal (132.5 L).
- Hydraulic System Fluid Capacity: 60 gal (227.1 L).
- Operating Voltage: 12 V.
- Alternator Supplied Amperage: 95 amps.
- Drawbar Pull: 29570.6 lb (13413 kg).
- Tire Size: 17.5 x 25 - 12 Ply.
- Transmission:
- Type: Modulated Powershift.
- Number of Forward Gears: 4.
- Number of Reverse Gears: 3.
- Max Speed – forward: 20 mph (32.2 km/h).
- Hydraulic:
- Pump Type: Piston Pump.
- Lift:
- Max Lift Capacity: 10000.2 lb (4536 kg).
- Max Lift Height 53.2 ft in (16203.2 mm).
- Max Load at Max Height: 6001 lb (2722 kg).
- Max Forward Reach: 39 ft in (11900 mm).
- Max Load at Max Reach: 3000.5 lb (1361 kg).
- Foam filled tires.
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