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19700 kW Biomass Power Plant ID: 235826
- Boiler unit is a Riley type VR boiler continuous rating 170,000 pounds per hour steam at 1280 psig and 955 °F
- Boiler is top supported with Detroit Hydrograte Stoker
- Water cooled vibrating grate
- can burn up to 50% moisture wood chips
- 4326 btu/lb
- 59,902 lbs./hr fuel
- with feed water temperature 402 ° F
- Steam Turbine Generator is General Electric 19700 kw
- serial number 155030
- 13 stage condensing unit with four uncontrolled extractions
- 5596 rpm
- Turbine and Lufkin Gear box mounted on one skid driving GE 21890 kva
- 1800 rpm
- 13800 v
- 3 phase
- 60 hz
- Brushless exciter Generator
- Condenser Graham surface condenser
- 2 in. HgA
- condensing 126,000 pounds per hour steam
- 19,770 square feet
- 316SS tubes
- Cooling Tower Thermal Dynamic Towers 22,000 gpm
- Induced draft 2 cell
- ESP Belco Technologies BT-30
- Substation 15.75/21 MVA
- 34.5 kv Grdy/13.8 kv
- 19 Acre land with well water
- 34.5 kv transmission power line
- Shut down in 2013 maintained to start back-up
- Location: Eastern USA
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