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17ft Bucket Elevator ID: 1261692
17ft Bucket Elevator
- Type: Belt
- Inlet Dimensions: Inlet Removed
- Discharge Dimensions: 10in x 10in
- Base of Center of Discharge: 17ft
- Bucket Size and Makeup: 5in x 9in Poly
- Tapco 9 X 5 Bucket
- Capacity: 97.9in³ (.0567ft³)
- Bucket Spacing: 7in
- Comes with Motor Base (No Motor Currently Installed)
- Reduction: Dodge Shaft Mount
- Size: TXT2
- Ratio: 15.35-1
- Currently Setup to Run at Approx. 117 Feet per Minute.
- Overall Dimensions:
- 55in x 28in Wide
- Height: 19ft 7in
- Location: Savona, British Columbia, Canada
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