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- 16 in. x 8 ft. long pontoons.
- Overall Dims: 5 ft. wide x 8 ft. long.
- Honda GX200 Motors:
- 6.5 HP.
- Quantity: 2.
- Keene Industries 2.5 x 2 in. Pump:
- Quantity: 2.
- Mini Gast 125 PSI compressor.
- Model PCA-10
- 6 in. hose:
- 21 ft. long.
- 2.5 in. Suction hose with strainers:
- 10 ft. long each.
- Quantity: 2.
- 2 in. Pump discharge/venturi feed hose:
- 8 ft. long each.
- Quantity: 2.
- Ocean Reef under water mask:
- Oxygen hook up.
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